group healing portal opening March 14th
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¤ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation
¤ 6 Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls
¤ 6 Months of Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support
¤ your own Online Client portal
+ bonus portals:
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the portal opens March 14th
♪ healing library
transformational tools library
↬ 12 Modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual Healing and manifestation Modules ↫
↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫
↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Channel ↫
↬ your own online Client portal ↫
♪ healing library
transformational tools library
It's everything from understanding and knowledge around your energy and subconscious, spiritual connection and depth, to generational and ancestral healing, releasing past lives and clearing your triggers to work with your emotions to alchemize the lessons and release in the moment so you’re no longer building a reservoir of stored trauma, it’s releasing your baggage and learning to make sure it’s never created and carried for long again
Don't be surprised if your life begins to open up the moment you join
It's coded with Source, your Higher Self, and your soul family so if you're drawn to Soul Empress Alchemy, they're ready to bring your triggers and patterns to the surface to be cleared when we start🪐💖
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You are always being nudged into finding alignment; ignoring that alignment forces spirit to become louder as it strives to get your attention and focus
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Taking your power back through openly and honestly facing where in your life you're feeling unmet, unhappy, unsatisfied, bitter, unsuccessful, and unfulfilled and getting to the root of your beliefs to see where fear is running your life.
Inner child, ancestral, generational, and past life healing to support the full clearing and release of the mind and body uprooting you've completed and deepening into the art and necessity of self-forgiveness to truly let go and move on.
Deconditioning and relearning the mind/body/soul system to use your emotions and mindset to support and guide you in turning your trauma and pain into beauty for you to paint the canvas of your life into what your heart and Soul desire it to be.
Stepping into faith and learning to connect, trust, and receive from your spiritual team of guides, angels, beings, and your higher self to become an aligned and confident co-creator who's building a life guided by heart in your highest purpose.
↬ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation Teachings ↫
↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫
↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support channel ↫
↬ your own online Client portal ↫
↬ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation Teachings ↫
↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫
↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support channel ↫
↬ your own online Client portal ↫
join now
the journey begins march 14th
♪ healing library
transformational tools library
♪ healing library
transformational tools library
click to join and choose your payment option at checkout 💖👇🏼
if this experience is meant for you, you will know it
Payment Options:
⇥ 1 time payment of $888 CAD
⇥ 6 month payment plan of $160 CAD
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I used to be someone completely overwhelmed by my emotions and triggered in conversations, even when I didn't have direct interaction I would be angry and annoyed at the other people at the grocery store or driving on the road just because they were there
I would take everything in until it felt like it was mine and I would sacrifice my own self and being, going out of my way to offer up my own joy to create it for someone else
I took pride in being a "social chameleon" who could fit in anywhere but I was really just dimming my own light and watering my energy down to accommodate the comfort of whoever else was in the room
When that would start to weigh heavy, because of course it did, I'd pull back and remove myself from being around people at all
I began to retreat and retract from the world as a whole so much that I entered a depression I wasn't prepared for
Having never put much stock into a higher faith or spirituality other than karma and kindness which were also skewed because I had kindness connected to having meaning only if it included great self-sacrifice
My beliefs were centered around the idea that nothing good happens without giving something first, and that thing had better be hard or really hurt
I'd have panic attacks and spiral down holes of feeling like the sky was caving in that had me barely able to breathe or get up off the bathroom floor
I was caught in a deeply entrenched victim mentality of, "I must be one of the unlucky and lost because the world is happening to me and there’s nothing I seem to be able to do to change it"
My perception of life and living eventually became so low I found myself continually coming back to, "if this is living, I just don't want it"
the hurt, miraculously emptied from my body and created the space for me to wipe my tears, get up off the floor, and begin to heal so I never had to find myself back down on that floor again, unable to get up 💖
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joining this program will be your moment of choice to finally start living a life you truly want to live for
↬ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation Teachings ↫
↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫
↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support channel ↫
↬ your own online Client portal ↫
+ bonuses:
♪ healing library
transformational tools library
the journey begins march 14th!
↬ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation Teachings ↫
↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫
↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support channel ↫
↬ your own online Client portal ↫
♪ healing library
transformational tools library
the journey begins march 14th!
If you're still unsure if SEA is for you, send me a message on Instagram or an email with "SEA Alignment" in the subject and detail your situation, experience, or desire in the message and I'll help you connect with your inner knowing to determine if SEA is for you!
If you feel activated or excited by any piece of the above or any other content about SEA we're confident you have been guided here!✨️
If you feel activated or excited by any piece of the above or any other content about SEA we're confident you have been guided here!✨️
If you feel activated or excited by any piece of the above or any other content about SEA we're confident you have been guided here!✨️