

guided by

lead with

soul empress alchemy is a group healing portal of foundational healing lessons, sessions, and soul community

In this portal you will:
⊱ Reconnect with your emotions to better recognize, understand, and regulate them;
⊱ Understand and use subconscious repatterning and and programming tools to uproot counterintuitive beliefs and break unsupportive subconscious habits;
⊱ Open the flow of your energy and energetic channels to awaken your subtle bodies and lifeforce energy;
⊱ Awaken and learn to follow your intuitive inner guidance and differentiate between your Soul and Ego voices;

All with the intention to awaken your higher purpose as you're healing from within and becoming a loving and skilled self-healer.

In this portal you will:
⊱ Reconnect with your emotions to better recognize, understand, and regulate them;

⊱ Understand and use subconscious repatterning and and programming tools to uproot counterintuitive beliefs and break unsupportive subconscious habits;

⊱ Open the flow of your energy and energetic channels to awaken your subtle bodies and lifeforce energy;

⊱ Awaken to and embody who you are at soul level to illuminate your soul path and higher purpose;

All with the intention to create change in your life, reclaim your soul desires, begin living a soul-aligned life.

¤ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation
¤ 6 Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls
¤ 6 Months of Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support
¤ your own Online Client portal

+ bonus portals:

join now

the portal opens March 14th

The founders price is only $888 CAD with a payment plan available

♪ healing library
transformational tools library

included within is:

Soul Empress Alchemy is a foundational healing program where you will move from being a frazzled, overwhelmed, and out of touch woman who wants more.

To a woman who is clear, calm, certain, excited, and inspired by her future and her potential that feels good and feels clear as she knows her right path.

↬ 12 Modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual Healing and manifestation Modules ↫

↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫

↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Channel ↫

↬ your own online Client portal ↫

♪ healing library

transformational tools library

You may be drawn to this experience if your life seems to be working against you...

if you're feeling hurt by life and the experiences you're having

if you replay conversations, outcomes, and potentials of each over in your mind of how and what you should, could, or wish you had said or done

if you make bold assumptions and get lost in spirals of the worst case scenario

if you feel like life is happening to you and you must be a forgotten or cast out child of God, Source, and Spirit

if you're searching for purpose and meaning but left feeling disconnected from your source

if you're reaching the point of exhaustion and you find it too hard to even pretend to care anymore

soul empress ALCHEMY

soul empress ALCHEMY

It gets harder to show up every day, harder to express and receive love, harder to feel abundant and any kind of peace

It feels hard to do the things you want to do and you just can't seem to bring yourself to take consistent action towards them, if any action at all

the level of awareness, self love, and understanding you’ll come away with embodied can’t be turned off, once they're turned on

sea is your break-away

 Your return to loving self, to emotional fulfillment, and self-regulation

This program is the healing you know you need but have been afraid to dive into because you have a feeling that once you’re in, there’s no going back

Right now you feel stuck, unhappy, tired, and caught in places of fear, anxiety, and a total lack of loving boundaries and it shows

all of these feelings - are valid

This portal is a channel from the Divine for you to uproot, alchemize, heal, and create through

It’s releasing the past, to connect with the now, and reclaim your loving future

It's everything from understanding and knowledge around your energy and subconscious, spiritual connection and depth, to generational and ancestral healing, releasing past lives and clearing your triggers to work with your emotions to alchemize the lessons and release in the moment so you’re no longer building a reservoir of stored trauma, it’s releasing your baggage and learning to make sure it’s never created and carried for long again

Don't be surprised if your life begins to open up the moment you join

It's coded with Source, your Higher Self, and your soul family so if you're drawn to Soul Empress Alchemy, they're ready to bring your triggers and patterns to the surface to be cleared when we start🪐💖

join now

enroll now to claim your healing

The founders price is only $888 CAD with a payment plan available🕊️

What will it mean if nothing changes?

You miss out on the change that's possible for you and best case scenario is everything you're feeling right now stays the same

The more likely scenario is those feelings and the experiences creating them amplify and increase because you attract what is aligned with your strongest, most common, vibrational frequency of feeling so remaining in the vibrations of loss, of scarcity, of lack, of hurt, pain, fear, and forgotten will only create more of that

You are always being nudged into finding alignment; ignoring that alignment forces spirit to become louder as it strives to get your attention and focus

picture your life over the next 5, 10, even 50 years

What could it mean if everything changes?

As a result of joining you heal at the root of your subconscious programs, traumas, and wounding; triggers are cleared and patterns you're currently repeating stop; you're able to happily embrace new standards of living that allow you to manifest everything your heart and Soul desire and more.

You feel drawn to this experience and you listen to that nudge...

What if the life you're living right now was the rest of your forever?
And perhaps more importantly, what if it wasn't?

What if the life you're living right now was the rest of your forever?

And perhaps more importantly, what if it wasn't?

You feel drawn to this experience but you allow your fear to be louder than your desire and you miss it...

You develop new, healing, supportive, and loving instinctive thoughts, beliefs, and feelings by getting to the heart of who you are which is love personified

You experience ease from anxiety and overwhelm around making decisions because you now make choices from a place of loving alignment, knowing, wisdom, and self-love that create confidence, ease, patience, and trust

You no longer react from emotional states because you know how to move through and use your emotions to tune into the guidance within them then act and respond from a heart centered state of love and understanding

You take inspired action towards a new business, promotion, or project with no expectation because you feel supported in your faith that what will come through is aligned if it feels good or a lesson and opportunity if it doesn't

The potential for what you believe is possible for you expands

take a moment to imagine...

You begin to attract soul mate relationships in love, friendship, and family that honour your boundaries where you feel deeply seen, known, safe, and cherished

You communicate simply and happily your needs and wants with your kids, your partner, your employees, co-workers, and employer because you're no longer attached to they're emotional responses meaning anything about your needs and wants

You feel confident in following through on your desires because you're now creating from a space of love, influence, and inspired dedication and devotion to a higher love, a higher frequency, and the higher purpose you're embodying

You no longer sacrifice your own well-being for others; you are no longer setting yourself on fire to keep others warm ❤️‍🔥


and this...

what kind of life could you be living this year?

join now

the method


Taking your power back through openly and honestly facing where in your life you're feeling unmet, unhappy, unsatisfied, bitter, unsuccessful, and unfulfilled and getting to the root of your beliefs to see where fear is running your life.


Inner child, ancestral, generational, and past life healing to support the full clearing and release of the mind and body uprooting you've completed and deepening into the art and necessity of self-forgiveness to truly let go and move on.


Deconditioning and relearning the mind/body/soul system to use your emotions and mindset to support and guide you in turning your trauma and pain into beauty for you to paint the canvas of your life into what your heart and Soul desire it to be.


Stepping into faith and learning to connect, trust, and receive from your spiritual team of guides, angels, beings, and your higher self to become an aligned and confident co-creator who's building a life guided by heart in your highest purpose.

this experience is a portal to help you realise and admit what you truly want then heal what's in the way of receiving it

Joining SEA is choosing another life, seizing an opportunity, and choosing to believe in and embody your greatest potential

↬ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation Teachings ↫

↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫

↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support channel ↫

↬ your own online Client portal ↫

↬ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation Teachings ↫
↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫
↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support channel ↫
↬ your own online Client portal ↫


join now

the journey begins march 14th

The founders price is only $888 CAD with a payment plan available!

♪ healing library

transformational tools library

♪ healing library
transformational tools library

inside you'll access:

"I was feeling disconnected from my intuition and higher power. I wanted support in reconnecting with my spiritual side and getting answers as to what direction my career is meant to go.

I gained greater understanding and clarity as to where I wanted to go with my career and how I can start implementing steps in that direction today, all while connecting more deeply with my higher power! I felt excited and grateful to have shifted the stuck energy I was feeling before!

I would say DO IT! Jaymie is very skilled and her intuitive abilities are amazing! You certainly can trust her to help and support you!"

- saisha

"Going in I was feeling procrastination and self-sabotage were my struggles. Overwhelm.

In session I imagine the outcome. Reminded that whatever I put out there will harvest - some might be immediate and some might take time. I was also reminded of my past when this came up and the things I've accomplished by taking the next step. I felt empowered to move forward.

I saw colors - purple and green swirling around. I also had visions of some hard things that I have overcome and feeling that nothing is impossible - it's all in my mind.

Jaymie has exceptional skills and dedication as a healing practitioner. During my session, Jaymie demonstrated a deep understanding of the healing process, creating a safe and nurturing environment that allowed me to fully relax and engage in the experience. Her intuitive ability to identify and address areas of concern was truly impressive, leading to significant improvements in my physical and emotional well-being. Jaymie takes the time to listen to her clients, tailoring each session to meet individual needs and ensuring a personalized and effective healing experience. I wholeheartedly recommend her."

- cat

"I loved that Jaymie made me feel seen, she held a safe space for me to be able to open up and gave me great tips and things to put into practice to move forward.

Working with Jaymie was great! She made me feel so safe to open up, she allowed me to be seen and heard, but also offered additional support and helped me remember who I was. Even the follow up page she had written for me went above and beyond.

She helped me remember that I was hiding myself for no reason other than I was scared, and what was I scared of? Being my best self!

She had a beautiful soft approach and gave me tips to change my mindset in a way that was helpful and positive. The meditation was beautiful too and gave me a chance to just relax!"

- teagan

"I was struggling with feeling worthy to step into my business. I was feeling as if it was something that even with so much work I was really struggling to make any change.

After the session I felt that it was much easier to use my voice, it feels as if another layer has been peeled away.

Through our session I was taken on a deep healing and activation process of my voice. I received insights into how I was needing to continue the process of healing. I received beautiful healing and activation of my throat.

Jaymie has such a beautiful way of getting to the heart of what's keeping you from moving forward. She has a powerful way of reframing and supporting you to see things from a higher perspective. She has a deep connection to spirit and this comes through strongly in her sessions."

- emmalee

"[I was] overthinking - jumping to worst case scenarios.

Jaymie helped me realize the roots of my overthinking. Felt relief after, finally being able to acknowledge the cause.

Within a week I had 3 instances where I normally would have created panic within myself and while I still acknowledged what I thought was worst case, I didn't dwell on it. Simply realized it and moved on with what parts I could control.

She's amazing at what she does, she really hears what you tell her and she helps you to feel what your mind is trying to block out allowing you to move along."

- kory

"I was struggling to raise my vibration to be able to channel.

I had a very embodied response to the clearing. My sacral chakra experienced an intense contraction and release that now feels incredibly expansive.

Jaymie has a very calm and peaceful energy around her. I felt like we could have chatted happily for hours. She listens well, reflects clearly and positively and is a wonderful facilitator of energy."

- katie

is channeled for you if...

you're ready to release your people-pleasing tendencies to reclaim your heart, your desires, and your Soul role on New Earth

you're ready to breakdown your conscious and subconscious barriers, protections, and walls built up to unconditionally love, honour, and care for yourself in new ways you may never have before

you're ready to communicate your emotions and needs more clearly in your relationships and environments both new and old

you're ready to create loving boundaries around yourself and your own emotional capacity that allow you to show up for the people you love more fully and powerfully than ever

you're ready to learn how to infuse simple and supportive daily spiritual, emotional, and mental practises into your regular routines

you're ready to experience radical, life-changing shifts and transformation in your relationships, work, communication, and emotional awareness, processing, and regulation

you're ready to push beyond your Ego fears to do the reflection and soul purpose work of uprooting, alchemizing, healing, and creating to start living the life you truly desire.

soul empress alchemy

you'd prefer a band-aid or one size fits all solution instead of personalized support and healing responses and feedback

you prefer to stay blind to the programming, conditioning, and patterns of wounding your body is holding for you from this life, past life, and ancestral or generational trauma you're repeating

you're not ready to deepen or awaken your connection with Source, Spirit, and your faith in the Universe

you don't want to clear the deeper wounding behind the triggers that have you rising emotionally and continue responding with small or petty comments in conversation and experiences with the people who love you most

you don't want to be part of a support system of women who will love, mirror, and hold you as you move through this soul healing and awakening work

you don't want to create a happier, healthier life, and more peaceful existence overall.

is not a fit if...

soul empress alchemy

Who you will become through the course of this experience is unquantifiable.
Join                                                 at the founders rate of $888 CAD or $160 monthly for 6 months below - the portal opens March 14th!

Who you will become through the course of this experience is unquantifiable! Join                            
                   at the founders rate of $1998 CAD or $355 monthly below - the portal opens February 5th!

click to join and choose your payment option at checkout 💖👇🏼


soul empress alchemy is a fully channeled experience created and coded by your soul family and guides along with jaymie's, new gaia, and the divine

soul empress

soul empress alchemy

if this experience is meant for you, you will know it

Payment Options:

⇥ 1 time payment of $888 CAD

⇥ 6 month payment plan of $160 CAD

join now

I’m taking you through what I've spent four years learning, healing, practising, and embodying after making the decision I wanted a better life

I used to be someone completely overwhelmed by my emotions and triggered in conversations, even when I didn't have direct interaction I would be angry and annoyed at the other people at the grocery store or driving on the road just because they were there

I would take everything in until it felt like it was mine and I would sacrifice my own self and being, going out of my way to offer up my own joy to create it for someone else

I took pride in being a "social chameleon" who could fit in anywhere but I was really just dimming my own light and watering my energy down to accommodate the comfort of whoever else was in the room

When that would start to weigh heavy, because of course it did, I'd pull back and remove myself from being around people at all

I began to retreat and retract from the world as a whole so much that I entered a depression I wasn't prepared for

a happier, healthier, fuller life, with relationships that feel like home, time for rest and relaxation, time for connection and adventure, finances to travel and increased pleasure in the human experiences I'm living

Having never put much stock into a higher faith or spirituality other than karma and kindness which were also skewed because I had kindness connected to having meaning only if it included great self-sacrifice

My beliefs were centered around the idea that nothing good happens without giving something first, and that thing had better be hard or really hurt

I'd have panic attacks and spiral down holes of feeling like the sky was caving in that had me barely able to breathe or get up off the bathroom floor

I was caught in a deeply entrenched victim mentality of, "I must be one of the unlucky and lost because the world is happening to me and there’s nothing I seem to be able to do to change it"

My perception of life and living eventually became so low I found myself continually coming back to, "if this is living, I just don't want it"

the hurt, miraculously emptied from my body and created the space for me to wipe my tears, get up off the floor, and begin to heal so I never had to find myself back down on that floor again, unable to get up 💖

one night, laying on the bathroom floor heaving with tears, I turned to god and pleaded for him to take my hurt, not caring whether or not if he was "real"

i simply couldn't hold it anymore on my own and he knew that; so he took it

join now

the intention behind the 12 self-paced lesson modules and monthly live community support within soul empress alchemy is for you to experience change and support at your own pace as you need it

soul empress alchemy is designed to BE a time-collapsing portal of your healing transformation and journey to Heal from within to awaken and embody your soul and live your higher purpose

joining this program will be your moment of choice to finally start living a life you truly want to live for

This experience is special because it’s healing and applying while you’re learning. It’s practising, processing, and embodying as you're living; you’re doing it in real time with support and guidance from Jaymie and a community of soul sisters

↬ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation Teachings ↫
↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫
↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support channel ↫
↬ your own online Client portal ↫

+ bonuses:

♪ healing library
transformational tools library

included within:

the journey begins march 14th!

Take advantage of the founders price with a 1 time payment of $888 CAD or $160 CAD x6 months!

↬ 12 modules of Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual healing and manifestation Teachings ↫

↬ Monthly Group Healing and Guidance Calls ↫

↬ Group Healing and Guidance Community Discussion Support channel ↫

↬ your own online Client portal ↫

♪ healing library

transformational tools library

the journey begins march 14th!

Is there a refund policy?

No refunds are applicable. If you determine you no longer want to be part of a live program while it's running, send us an email and we will stop any remaining future payments to the best of our ability with processing time allowing.

Your access to the experience in its entirety to the point of requested cancellation and access to any remaining live calls or sessions will be revoked. Due to the nature of our current hosting settings we're unable to open up individual parts of the experience.

If this changes in the future we'll happily give you access to the program materials you received to the point of stopped payments! Unfortunately this isn't available to us yet.

What if I can't make the live calls or healing sessions?

We do our best to make call times accessible to each person through the length of the experience but with clients across the globe this isn't always possible!

The good news is that the rules of time and space don't apply to spiritual or energetic healing so catching the replays will be just as potent as being on the live calls.

This is also why we include SEA Program and Community discussion portals so you can ask your questions anytime and receive unlimited support as well as still have your questions answered live on lesson or session calls.

Where are the SEA discussion portals hosted?

They're hosted in the *free* Telegram app which you can download on any device.

Download the app, and you'll receive a link to join the private SEA Program and Community Portal channels when they open!

Why do some payment plan options expire after certain dates?

Our standard practise is for all payments to be complete before the experience is over. This means the sooner you join, the longer available payment plan options you'll have.

This is also why we give longer enrollment periods before the official container start :)

Is Soul Empress Alchemy for beginners to spirituality or for advanced spiritual seekers?

The core focus of SEA is healing to reclaim your desired life by cultivating an understanding of your mind, body, and Soul connection to align your energy, emotions, and manifestation with the way they're meant to function and flow in order to deprogram, decondition, open up, and clear a channel for your spiritual team, Higher Self, and Soul to come through and illuminate the path to your higher purpose and Soul role on New Earth.

Because this container is a combination of mind, body, and spiritual healing and manifestation teachings in service of this intention, it truly doesn't matter where you feel you fall on the "spirituality scale".

As long as you're open to being guided into meditative states and to receive healing and guidance from myself and your spiritual team; your spiritual channel and connection will awaken if you're newer and deepen if you're more advanced.



Heal from within to awaken and embody your soul and live your higher purpose

If you're still unsure if SEA is for you, send me a message on Instagram or an email with "SEA Alignment" in the subject and detail your situation, experience, or desire in the message and I'll help you connect with your inner knowing to determine if SEA is for you!

If you feel activated or excited by any piece of the above or any other content about SEA we're confident you have been guided here!✨️

If you feel activated or excited by any piece of the above or any other content about SEA we're confident you have been guided here!✨️

If you feel activated or excited by any piece of the above or any other content about SEA we're confident you have been guided here!✨️