
with jaymie

1:1 Spiritual & Energetic Healing & Guidance to bring you back home to your divine, soulful nature, spiritual self, & love from within.

straight to the packages🤍


On the other side of your healing

transformation awaits

each package is a soul journey of mind, body, & soul healing

The intention within this healing space is for you to rediscover your divine self through reconnecting with your spirituality, heal your inner wounding, expand your heart energy, and amplify your vibration to bring you back home to mind, body, and soul coherence💖

My work is infused with my potent method of spiritual healing and energetic expansion integrating practises, teachings, and codes woven from my own lessons, healings, experiences, and study within this lifetime and the many before.

worried about your triggers popping up unexpectedly to ruin your day, week, or even longer,

The world has been been telling you how to feel, what to think, & how much you can have.

but YOU're ready to believe with YOUR HEART & soul, that what you can feel, think, & have is limitless & you're ready to tap into it.

like a victim of the patterns repeating in your life that you know are there but can't seem to change,

sabotaged & frozen by the wounding from your childhood & past that feel impossible to overcome,

like nothing will ever change & the way you feel & are living right now is all you will ever experience.

you're tired of feeling

You're ready to do the work to remember the heart of the divine, soulful creatrix & spiritual beauty that you are✨

who will move the energy with you to welcome in clearing, cleansing, & new frequencies of love, wealth, & happiness,

You want to be activated, expanded, healthy, happy, & whole

you're ready to embrace who you are at soul level & clear paths to become them

who sees beyond your present moment to the potential & possibility not yet accessed within yourself,

who will hold you in new depths of self-worth, understanding, & inner knowing.

who will guide you in releasing any victim mentality & mental blocks in the way of your peace & ease,

YOu want TO WORK WITH A spiritual HEALER & guide

Package Options

1:1 Spiritually Guided Healing Session - $444.00

book a session💫

1x 90-minute Session via Zoom & call recording.

healing session


I've designed these single sessions to be workshop style, meaning that in 90-minutes we will use varies spiritual, energetic, & somatic healing practices to dive deep into 2-3 triggers, traumas, patterns, fears, or beliefs, you're experiencing & would like to clear.

*Prices are in USD*

1:1 Spiritually Guided Healing Sessions & 1 Week of Telegram Support per Month - $666/month

submit your application😇

1x monthly 45-minute Session via Zoom & call recording.

angel healing package


This package is designed for those that desire to have the time & space between sessions to do the work & healing at their own pace before connecting in again for that week of embodiment & integrational support.

Follow-up prompts & meditative recording.

1 week / month of Telegram voice & text support.

*3 month minimum commitment*.

This package is a beautiful way to commit to your healing journey & receive the consistent guidance & support with flexibility.

1:1 Spiritually Guided Healing Sessions & 3 Weeks of Telegram Support per Month - $1,111/month

submit your application💖

1x monthly 45-minute Session via Zoom & call recording.

goddess healing package


This package is designed for the soul that desires a high level of hands on healing & guidance to move through their fears, triggers, & beliefs as they're experienced, closer to real-time.

3 weeks / month of Telegram voice & text support.

Remote energy healing sessions.

*6 month minimum commitment*.

The support in this package allows you to drop in anytime & receive a response within 24hrs. 

"Thank you for bravely leading the way for women to FEEL and be, and be powerfully in tune with themselves."

"I feel so incredibly blessed. Jaymie busted through some pretty efficiently built walls of fear so my horizon could shine through again!"

"Jaymie's heart & soul are invested without a doubt. She helped me see the value in myself, my brand, my vision, & dreams."

"Your honesty is so magnifying! I'm always left with a feeling of worth and being enough. Enough in my own emotions to just be what's needed in each moment."

sweet words & transformations

The soul that's ready for my potent brand of

healing, guidance, & soul connection

ready to come lovingly home.

These healing spaces are for those that desire

to be spiritually connected in mind, body, & soul & you're ready to dive deep & be laid bare to embrace your divine nature,

to open up to higher dimensions; explore your past lives, your soul journey, & be held even deeper by your spiritual team,

to reconnect with your heart, your dark feminine, & shadow self & do the energetic work to unmask & expand your capacity to be all that you are.

to create lasting change; experience inner breakthroughs that transform your relationships, self-view, & perspective of the world,

The soul that is ready for my potent brand of


    ready to come lovingly home.

for spiritual guidance & subtle shifts that invoke powerful action & desires

to embrace the divine homecoming wholeness of the divine, spiritual creatrix within

to experience new, higher levels of love, wealth, gratitude, & joy

for healing & awakening that doesn't follow logical, linear sense

You're ready

Through spiritual, energetic, & somatic awakening, healing, & cleansing I ignited my inner guidance, divine gifts, & soul codes; shifting my life from the inside out

Hey! I'm jaymie

meet your healer

When I'm not working, I'm snuggled up with my husband & 2 pups, a mystery novel, & hot cocoa - extra cinnamon on that whip!

this is why we create from the inside out!

In trusting my intuition, trusting there's unlimited guidance available, & trusting that my spiritual team are eager co-creators of the desires in my heart

The unlimited & unconditional love, wealth, freedom, & joy I found within myself is within you too, just waiting to be remembered & set free

I spent years in self-discovery, intensive learnings, & trainings to awaken & hone my own spiritual gifts, discovering that I've been training to bring this work to my soul clients for lifetimes

I found flow with my quantum self & divine, spiritual creatrix within to recall & reconnect with the higher frequencies I could weave through my life; naturally elevating everything within & around me

Not sure which package is a fit?

let's chat

Connect with me on Instagram or send an email to hello@jaymiesutherland.co with any questions you have about working together in this space or any other! ✨


Instagram with me

For soulful healing & messages follow along at: